7 ways to earn a backlink

Source: SEO 101 podcast, episode from May 22, 2014.


Backlinks are links placed on other web sites that point to your site. They are important for establishing authority of your site and increasing its search rank. Here are some ideas on how to earn natural backlinks by doing something useful for other people and kindly asking them to link back to you.

  1. If you write an article about an individual or a business ask them to consider placing a link to you.

  2. Sponsor a non-profit organisation or event. There is a big chance they will write about you in return.

  3. Giving away photos? Ask people who use them to link to you.

  4. Do something newsworthy. For example, create a survey or a research.

  5. If you sell or review a product ask your suppliers for a link.

  6. Give away free stuff or free advice. For example, consider giving away free product or service to bloggers and ask them to write about you if they like it.

  7. Challenge an article written by an authority in your industry. Express your opinion in respectful way. Politely put the author of the original article in a position where they want to reply.

Citation is almost as good

Simple citation will also be useful in case people can not provide a link to you.
