How to share Keychain between iOS apps
Keychain is a secure storage suitable for short bits of sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. By default the data saved in one app can not be read in other apps. In most cases this is exactly what we need.
However, sometimes we need to share Keychain items between multiple apps on the same device. For instance, suppose we created two apps where users can log into the same account. It would be nice to have ability to share the login information between these apps. This way the user will only need to log in once in one of the apps.
Fortunately, there is a way to share Keychain items between apps and it can be done by using Keychain Groups. Here is how to do it. The following steps need to be done in all apps where you want to share the Keychain items.
1) Turn on Keychain sharing in Xcode
- Select your app target and click Capabilities tab.
- Turn on the Keychain Sharing capability.
2) Select developer team

3) Specify Keychain group name
Expand the Keychain Sharing capability settings and you will see your app’s bundle ID used as the keychain group. You may want to change it to something meaningful to you, for example myKeychainGroup1. Remember the group you entered because you will use it in the code later.
4) App ID Prefix and Keychain group name
Knowing the group name you entered is not enough for sharing the Keychain. You also need to know your App ID Prefix which is added to the beginning of the group name. In order to see how it works click on the .entitlements file and look at the value of the Keychain Access Groups array.
You will notice that the access group value has the form of $(AppIdentifierPrefix)myKeychainGroup1
. The $(AppIdentifierPrefix)
part will be replaced by your App ID Prefix. The problem is that at this stage we probably have no clue what it is, but we will soon find out.
5) What is my App ID Prefix?
The App ID Prefix (also called Team ID) is a unique text identifier associated with your Apple developer account that allows to share keychain and pasteboard items between your apps. Here is how to find what it is:
- Login to you Apple developer account (also known as Member Center)
- Open the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page.
- Tap the App IDs link under Identifiers.
- Tap on an existing app ID or create a new one and you will find an App ID prefix there.
Now you know your App ID prefix and the full Keychain access group name will look like this:
6) Accessing shared Keychain items
We have enabled the Keychain sharing and found out the keychain group name. Now we can delete, add and retrieve shared Keychain items. To work with Keychain you can use one of many Keychain libraries that support access groups (Keychain Swift is one). But here I will show how to do it directly using the built-in Keychain API. The main rule is to pass the access group name with the kSecAttrAccessGroup
query key into SecItemAdd
, SecItemDelete
and SecItemCopyMatching
Delete a shared Keychain item
let itemKey = "My key"
let itemValue = "My secretive bee 🐝"
let keychainAccessGroupName = "AB123CDE45.myKeychainGroup1"
let queryDelete: [String: AnyObject] = [
kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrAccount as String: itemKey as AnyObject,
kSecAttrAccessGroup as String: keychainAccessGroupName as AnyObject
let resultCodeDelete = SecItemDelete(queryDelete as CFDictionary)
if resultCodeDelete != noErr {
print("Error deleting from Keychain: \(resultCodeDelete)")
Add a shared Keychain item
guard let valueData = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
print("Error saving text to Keychain")
let queryAdd: [String: AnyObject] = [
kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrAccount as String: itemKey as AnyObject,
kSecValueData as String: valueData as AnyObject,
kSecAttrAccessible as String: kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
kSecAttrAccessGroup as String: keychainAccessGroupName as AnyObject
let resultCode = SecItemAdd(queryAdd as CFDictionary, nil)
if resultCode != noErr {
print("Error saving to Keychain: \(resultCode)")
Find a shared Keychain item
let queryLoad: [String: AnyObject] = [
kSecClass as String: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrAccount as String: itemKey as AnyObject,
kSecReturnData as String: kCFBooleanTrue,
kSecMatchLimit as String: kSecMatchLimitOne,
kSecAttrAccessGroup as String: keychainAccessGroupName as AnyObject
var result: AnyObject?
let resultCodeLoad = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &result) {
SecItemCopyMatching(queryLoad as CFDictionary, UnsafeMutablePointer($0))
if resultCodeLoad == noErr {
if let result = result as? Data,
let keyValue = NSString(data: result,
encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as? String {
// Found successfully
} else {
print("Error loading from Keychain: \(resultCodeLoad)")
How secure is Keychain sharing?
A couple of people asked me if it is possible for apps from other developers to access the Keychain items that we share and steal the sensitive information. To my knowledge, it is not possible. You can only share Keychain between the apps that are signed with your account certificate. This is ensured by using the App ID Prefix in the keychain access group name which uniquely identifies your Apple developer account. Other developers will have different App ID prefixes and even if they try using your prefix the Xcode will not allow it.
You can try it yourself by replacing the $(AppIdentifierPrefix) text in the Keychain group in the .entitlements file with something different and run the app on a physical device. Xcode will refuse to do it by showing the following error.
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.
To sum up
- Turn on key Keychain sharing in all apps.
- Specify the same Keychain group in all apps.
- Find out your App ID Prefix from Apple developer account web site to construct the full Keychain group.
- Pass this group to
key to add, find or delete a Keychain item.
- Sample source code
- Keychain Swift library