Creating a bubble button animation on Android

Spring style button animation on Android

This tutorial shows how to animate a button with bounce effect on Android using Android Studio version 2.3.

I assume that you know how to create an app in Android Studio. If you don’t have this experience yet then I would recommend reading the excellent Building Your First App tutorial from Google first.

1) Add a button view

We begin by placing a button in the activity layout file res/layout/activity_main.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />


2) Create a scale animation

Next, we create an animation file res/anim/bounce.xml for scaling views.

  • Right click on the res folder.
  • Select New / Android resource file.
Create scale animation file in Android Studio
  • Write bounce as the name of the file
  • Choose the Animation resource type. The directory name field will change to anim.
Name the animation file in Android Studio

Next, open the res/anim/bounce.xml file that was created for you and replace its content with the following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="" >

        android:pivotY="50%" />

This code creates an animation that changes the size of a view from 30% to 100% during two seconds.

3) React to button tap

Now we add the code that animates the button on tap. Add the following method to your activity Java file.

public void didTapButton(View view) {
    Button button = (Button)findViewById(;
    final Animation myAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.bounce);

If you run the app and tap the button it will animate smoothly from smaller to bigger size.

Animating a button with scale effect on Android

4) Implement the bounce interpolator

Next, we write the code that adds the bounce effect to the scale animation.

  • Create a new Java Class file in your app module and name it MyBounceInterpolator.
  • Open the Java file that was created and replace the class code with the following.
class MyBounceInterpolator implements android.view.animation.Interpolator {
    private double mAmplitude = 1;
    private double mFrequency = 10;

    MyBounceInterpolator(double amplitude, double frequency) {
        mAmplitude = amplitude;
        mFrequency = frequency;

    public float getInterpolation(float time) {
        return (float) (-1 * Math.pow(Math.E, -time/ mAmplitude) *
                Math.cos(mFrequency * time) + 1);

I will explain how this code works in a moment.

5) Use the bounce interpolator

Finally, open your activity Java file again and replace the entire didTapButton method with the following code.

public void didTapButton(View view) {
    Button button = (Button)findViewById(;
    final Animation myAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.bounce);

    // Use bounce interpolator with amplitude 0.2 and frequency 20
    MyBounceInterpolator interpolator = new MyBounceInterpolator(0.2, 20);


Here we added the MyBounceInterpolator to the animation with setInterpolator method. If you run the app and tap the button it will animate with the spring effect.

Animating a button with abounce effect on Android

How the bounce animation interpolator works

We initialized the MyBounceInterpolator object with two arguments.

MyBounceInterpolator interpolator = new MyBounceInterpolator(0.2, 20);
  1. The first value 0.2 is the bounce amplitude. The higher value produces more pronounced bounces.
  2. The second value 20 is the frequency of the bounces. The higher value creates more wobbles during the animation time period.

In order to achieve the bounce effect the getInterpolation method maps the time using the following function:

Bounce animation function equation

In this equation, a and w are the amplitude and frequency values and t is the time. The equation contains a cosine function that causes the periodic wobbles during the animation. In order to reduce its amplitude with time we multiply the cosine by an exponential function. The following graph shows that the animation overshoots above the value 1 first and then settles closer to it.

The graph of bounce animation interpolation

