The source code of the three-body problem simulation

This is the complete source code of the three-body problem simulator. Feel free to use it on any web site.


Three-body problem simulation.

You can copy/paste this code into an HTML file (a file with a name that ends with .html). Then this file can be opened locally on your computer or you can put it on your web site. Note that the code uses images loaded from web site. You will need to host these images if you want to make sure the simulation always works and is not dependent on web site.

License: Public Domain


1. This work is based on code and lectures by Dr Rosemary Mardling from Monash University.

2. "The Blue Marble" By  NASA/Apollo 17 crew; taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans. Sources:,

3. "The Sun photographed at 304 angstroms" by NASA/SDO (AIA). Sources:,

4. **"Jupiter's South Pole"** image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Betsy Asher Hall/Gervasio Robles, [source](

5. **Figure eight orbit**: Moore, C. 1993, Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 3675.

6. **Kepler-16 system**: Doyle, L. R., Carter, J. A., Fabrycky, D. C., et al. 2011, Science, 333, 1602.



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  color: red;
  border: 1px solid red;
  background: #ffeeee;
  padding: 5px;

.ThreeBodyProblem-container {
  background-color: #000000;
  position: relative;
  height: 700px;
  background-image: url("");
  background-position: center bottom;
  background-repeat: repeat;
  background-size: 874px 780px;

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.ThreeBodyProblem-isHiddenBlock { display: none; }

.ThreeBodyProblem-centerOfMass {
  position: absolute;
  width: 11px;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -5.5px;
  margin-top: -5.5px;
  z-index: 998;

.ThreeBodyProblem-sun {
  position: absolute;
  width: 60px;
  top: -1000px;
  left: -1000px;
  z-index: 1000;

.ThreeBodyProblem-bodyImage {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;

.ThreeBodyProblem-spin {
  -webkit-animation:spin .5s linear infinite;
  -moz-animation:spin .5s linear infinite;
  animation:spin .5s linear infinite;

@-moz-keyframes spin { 100% { -moz-transform: rotate(-360deg); } }
@-webkit-keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); } }
@keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform:rotate(-360deg); } }

.ThreeBodyProblem-canvas { display: block; }

/* Prevent browser from showing selection when the element is touched */
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  -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
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  user-select: none;
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)

  Hud display

.ThreeBodyProblem-hudContainer {
  position: absolute;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 1001;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;

.ThreeBodyProblem-hudContainerChild {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  max-width: 700px;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

  Left buttons

.ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButtonCantainer {
  position: absolute;
  display: block;
  left: 15px;
  right: 15px;
  bottom: 10px;
  height: 40px;

.ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButton {
  display: block;
  height: 40px;
  width: 40px;
  float: left;

.ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomImage {
  height: 100%;
  border : 0;

.ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover {
  opacity: 0.8;
  filter: alpha(opacity=80);

.ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover:hover {
  opacity: 1.0;
  filter: alpha(opacity=100);

  Reload button

.ThreeBodyProblem-reload {
  position: absolute;
  display: block;
  bottom: 10px;
  right: 15px;
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;

.ThreeBodyProblem-reloadIcon {
  width: 100%;
  border : 0;


  margin: 0 auto;

.ThreeBodyProblem-sliderSun .SickSlider-head {
  background-color: #ff9400;

.ThreeBodyProblem-sliderEarth .SickSlider-head {
  background-color: #6780FF;

.ThreeBodyProblem-sliderJupiter .SickSlider-head {
  background-color: #4BCF79;




.ThreeBodyProblem-button {
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px 10px 3px 10px;
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: #ff6c00;
  color: #fff;
  text-decoration: none;
  border-radius: 30% 10%/80%;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;

.ThreeBodyProblem-button--isSelected {
  background-color: #a66000;


Sick Slider


.SickSlider {
  position: relative;
  height: 60px;
  cursor: pointer;

.SickSlider-stripe {
  height: 5px;
  width: 100%;
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  /*border: 1px solid #a66000;*/
  position: absolute;
  top: 28px;
  left: 0px;

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  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 0;
  width: 30px;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #999999;
  border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;


<!-- Message shown in old browsers. -->
<p id="ThreeBodyProblem-notSupportedMessage" class="ThreeBodyProblem-alert ThreeBodyProblem-isHiddenBlock">Please use a newer browser to see the simulation.</p>

<div class="ThreeBodyProblem-container isFullScreenWide isUnselectable">
    <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-sun'><img src='' class='ThreeBodyProblem-spin ThreeBodyProblem-bodyImage' alt='Sun' /></div>
    <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-earth'><img src='' alt='Earth' class='ThreeBodyProblem-spin ThreeBodyProblem-bodyImage'/></div>
    <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-jupiter'><img src='' alt='Jupiter' class='ThreeBodyProblem-spin ThreeBodyProblem-bodyImage' /></div>
    <img src='' alt='Center of mass' class='ThreeBodyProblem-centerOfMass'>

    <canvas class="ThreeBodyProblem-canvas"></canvas>

    <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-hudContainer'>
      <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-hudContainerChild'>
        <div class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButtonCantainer'>
          <a class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButton ThreeBodyProblem-mass1Button ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover' href='#' title='Mass 1'><img src='' alt='Mass 1' class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomImage'></a>
          <a class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButton ThreeBodyProblem-mass2Button ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover' href='#' title='Mass 2'><img src='' alt='Mass 2' class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomImage'></a>
          <a class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButton ThreeBodyProblem-mass3Button ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover' href='#' title='Mass 3'><img src='' alt='Mass 3' class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomImage'></a>
          <a class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomButton ThreeBodyProblem-speedButton ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover' href='#' title='Speed'><img src='' alt='Speed' class='ThreeBodyProblem-leftBottomImage'></a>
        <a class='ThreeBodyProblem-reload ThreeBodyProblem-doesChangeOpacityOnHover' href='#' title='Reload'><img src='' alt='Restart' class='ThreeBodyProblem-reloadIcon'></a>

<div class='ThreeBodyProblem-isTextCentered ThreeBodyProblem-hasTopMarginSmall ThreeBodyProblem-hasNegativeBottomMarginNormal isUnselectable'>
  <span class='ThreeBodyProblem-sliderLabel'>0.10</span>

<div class="SickSlider ThreeBodyProblem-slider isUnselectable" >
  <div class="SickSlider-stripe"></div>
  <div class="SickSlider-head"></div>

<button class="ThreeBodyProblem-preset ThreeBodyProblem-button ThreeBodyProblem-button--isSelected" data-name="FigureEight">Figure eight</button>
<button class="ThreeBodyProblem-preset ThreeBodyProblem-button" data-name="SunEarthJupiter">Sun, Earth and Jupiter</button>
<button class="ThreeBodyProblem-preset ThreeBodyProblem-button" data-name="LagrangePoint5">Lagrange point L5</button>
<button class="ThreeBodyProblem-preset ThreeBodyProblem-button" data-name="Kepler16">Kepler-16</button>
<button class="ThreeBodyProblem-preset ThreeBodyProblem-button" data-name="Chaotic">Chaotic</button>

<p class='ThreeBodyProblem-debugOutput'></p>


  "use strict";
  // A Slider UI element
  function SickSlider(sliderElementSelector) {
    var that = {
      // A function that will be called when user changes the slider position.
      // The function will be passed the slider position: a number between 0 and 1.
      onSliderChange: null,
      // Store the previous slider value in order to prevent calling onSliderChange function with the same argument
      previousSliderValue: -42,
      didRequestUpdateOnNextFrame: false

    // Initializes the slider element
    // Arguments:
    //   sliderElementSelector: A CSS selector of the SickSlider element.
    that.init = function(sliderElementSelector) {
      that.slider = document.querySelector(sliderElementSelector);
      that.sliderHead = that.slider.querySelector(".SickSlider-head");
      var sliding = false;

      // Start dragging slider
      // -----------------

      that.slider.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
        sliding = true;

      that.slider.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
        sliding = true;

      that.slider.onselectstart = function () { return false; };

      // End dragging slider
      // -----------------

      document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){
        sliding = false;

      document.addEventListener("dragend", function(){
        sliding = false;

      document.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
        sliding = false;

      // Drag slider
      // -----------------

      document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
        if (!sliding) { return; }

      document.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
        if (!sliding) { return; }

      that.slider.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
        if (typeof e.preventDefault !== 'undefined' && e.preventDefault !== null) {
          e.preventDefault(); // Prevent screen from sliding on touch devices when the element is dragged.

    // Returns the slider value (a number form 0 to 1) from the cursor position
    // Arguments:
    //   e: a touch event.
    that.sliderValueFromCursor = function(e) {
      var pointerX = e.pageX;

      if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 0) {
        pointerX = e.touches[0].pageX;

      pointerX = pointerX - that.slider.offsetLeft;
      var headLeft = (pointerX - 16);
      if (headLeft < 0) { headLeft = 0; }

      if ((headLeft + that.sliderHead.offsetWidth) > that.slider.offsetWidth) {
        headLeft = that.slider.offsetWidth - that.sliderHead.offsetWidth;

      // Calculate slider value from head position
      var sliderWidthWithoutHead = that.slider.offsetWidth - that.sliderHead.offsetWidth;
      var sliderValue = 1;

      if (sliderWidthWithoutHead !== 0) {
        sliderValue = headLeft / sliderWidthWithoutHead;

      return sliderValue;

    // Changes the position of the slider
    // Arguments:
    //   sliderValue: a value between 0 and 1.
    that.changePosition = function(sliderValue) {
      var headLeft = (that.slider.offsetWidth - that.sliderHead.offsetWidth) * sliderValue; = headLeft + "px";

    // Update the slider position and call the callback function
    // Arguments:
    //   e: a touch event.
    that.updateHeadPositionOnTouch = function(e) {
      var sliderValue = that.sliderValueFromCursor(e);

      // Handle the head change only if it changed significantly (more than 0.1%)
      if (Math.round(that.previousSliderValue * 10000) === Math.round(sliderValue * 10000)) { return; }
      that.previousSliderValue = sliderValue;

      if (!that.didRequestUpdateOnNextFrame) {
        // Update the slider on next redraw, to improve performance
        that.didRequestUpdateOnNextFrame = true;

    that.updateOnFrame = function() {

      if (that.onSliderChange) {

      that.didRequestUpdateOnNextFrame = false;


    return that;

  // Show debug messages on screen
  var debug = (function(){
    var debugOutput = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-debugOutput");

    function print(text) {
      var date = new Date();
      debugOutput.innerHTML = text + " " + date.getMilliseconds();

    return {
        print: print,

  // Runge-Kutta numerical integration
  var rungeKutta = (function() {
    // h: timestep
    // u: variables
    // derivative: function that calculates the derivatives
    function calculate(h, u, derivative) {
      var a = [h/2, h/2, h, 0];
      var b = [h/6, h/3, h/3, h/6];
      var u0 = [];
      var ut = [];
      var dimension = u.length;

      for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {

      for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        var du = derivative();

        for (i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
          u[i] = u0[i] + a[j]*du[i];
          ut[i] = ut[i] + b[j]*du[i];

      for (i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        u[i] = u0[i] + ut[i];

    return {
      calculate: calculate

  // Calculates the simulation of the three bodies
  var physics = (function() {
    var constants = {
      gravitationalConstant: 6.67408 * Math.pow(10, -11),
      // Average density of the body (kg/m^3). Used for calculating body's radius form its mass
      averageDensity: 1410

    // Current state of the system
    var state = {
      // State variables used in the differential equations
      // First two elements are x and y positions, and second two are x and y components of velocity
      // repeated for three bodies.
      u: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    // Initial condition of the model. The conditions are loaded from the currently selected simulation.
    var initialConditions = {
      bodies: 3, // Number of bodies

    // Calculate the radius of the body (in meters) based on its mass.
    function calculateRadiusFromMass(mass, density) {
      return Math.pow(3/4 * mass / ( Math.PI * density), 1/3);

    // Returns the diameters of three bodies in meters
    function calculateDiameters() {
      var diameters = [];

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        if (initialConditions.densities !== undefined && initialConditions.densities.length >= initialConditions.bodies-1) {
          var density = initialConditions.densities[iBody];
        } else {
          density = constants.averageDensity;

        diameters.push(2 * calculateRadiusFromMass(initialConditions.masses[iBody], density));

      return diameters;

    function calculateCenterOfMassVelocity(){
      var centerOfMassVelocity = {x: 0, y: 0};
      var sumOfMasses = 0;

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        var bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array
        centerOfMassVelocity.x += initialConditions.masses[iBody] * state.u[bodyStart + 2];
        centerOfMassVelocity.y += initialConditions.masses[iBody] * state.u[bodyStart + 3];
        sumOfMasses += initialConditions.masses[iBody];

      centerOfMassVelocity.x /= sumOfMasses;
      centerOfMassVelocity.y /= sumOfMasses;

      return centerOfMassVelocity;

    function calculateCenterOfMass(){
      var centerOfMass = {x: 0, y: 0};
      var sumOfMasses = 0;

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        var bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array
        centerOfMass.x += initialConditions.masses[iBody] * state.u[bodyStart + 0];
        centerOfMass.y += initialConditions.masses[iBody] * state.u[bodyStart + 1];
        sumOfMasses += initialConditions.masses[iBody];

      centerOfMass.x /= sumOfMasses;
      centerOfMass.y /= sumOfMasses;

      return centerOfMass;

    function resetStateToInitialConditions() {
      var iBody, bodyStart;

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array

        var position = initialConditions.positions[iBody];
        state.u[bodyStart + 0] = position.r * Math.cos(position.theta); // x
        state.u[bodyStart + 1] = position.r * Math.sin(position.theta); //y

        var velocity = initialConditions.velocities[iBody];
        state.u[bodyStart + 2] = velocity.r * Math.cos(velocity.theta); // velocity x
        state.u[bodyStart + 3] = velocity.r * Math.sin(velocity.theta); // velocity y

      var centerOfMassVelocity = calculateCenterOfMassVelocity();
      var centerOfMass = calculateCenterOfMass();

      // Correct the velocities and positions of the bodies
      // to make the center of mass motionless at the middle of the screen
      for (iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array
        state.u[bodyStart + 0] -= centerOfMass.x;
        state.u[bodyStart + 1] -= centerOfMass.y;
        state.u[bodyStart + 2] -= centerOfMassVelocity.x;
        state.u[bodyStart + 3] -= centerOfMassVelocity.y;

    // Calculates the acceleration of the body 'iFromBody'
    // due to gravity from other bodies,
    // using Newton's law of gravitation.
    //   iFromBody: the index of body. 0 is first body, 1 is second body.
    //   coordinate: 0 for x coordinate, 1 for y coordinate
    function acceleration(iFromBody, coordinate) {
      var result = 0;
      var iFromBodyStart = iFromBody * 4; // Starting index for the body in the u array

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iToBody = 0; iToBody < initialConditions.bodies; iToBody++) {
        if (iFromBody === iToBody) { continue; }
        var iToBodyStart = iToBody * 4; // Starting index for the body in the u array

        // Distance between the two bodies
        var distanceX = state.u[iToBodyStart + 0] -
          state.u[iFromBodyStart + 0];

        var distanceY = state.u[iToBodyStart + 1] -
          state.u[iFromBodyStart + 1];

        var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceX, 2) + Math.pow(distanceY, 2));
        var gravitationalConstant = 1;

        if (initialConditions.dimensionless !== true) {
          gravitationalConstant = constants.gravitationalConstant;

        result += gravitationalConstant *
          initialConditions.masses[iToBody] *
          (state.u[iToBodyStart + coordinate] - state.u[iFromBodyStart + coordinate]) /
          (Math.pow(distance, 3));

      return result;

    // Calculate the derivatives of the system of ODEs that describe equation of motion of the bodies
    function derivative() {
      var du = new Array(initialConditions.bodies * 4);

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        // Starting index for current body in the u array
        var bodyStart = iBody * 4;

        du[bodyStart + 0] = state.u[bodyStart + 0 + 2]; // Velocity x
        du[bodyStart + 1] = state.u[bodyStart + 0 + 3]; // Velocity y
        du[bodyStart + 2] = acceleration(iBody, 0); // Acceleration x
        du[bodyStart + 3] = acceleration(iBody, 1); // Acceleration y

      return du;

    // The main function that is called on every animation frame.
    // It calculates and updates the current positions of the bodies
    function updatePosition(timestep) {
      rungeKutta.calculate(timestep, state.u, derivative);

    function calculateNewPosition() {
      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        var bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array

        state.positions[iBody].x = state.u[bodyStart + 0];
        state.positions[iBody].y = state.u[bodyStart + 1];

    // Returns the largest distance of an object from the center based on initial considitions
    function largestDistanceMeters() {
      var result = 0;

      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < initialConditions.bodies; iBody++) {
        var position = initialConditions.positions[iBody];
        if (result < position.r) {
          result = position.r;

      return result;

    function changeInitialConditions(conditions) {
      initialConditions.dimensionless = conditions.dimensionless;
      initialConditions.masses = conditions.masses.slice();
      initialConditions.positions = conditions.positions;
      initialConditions.velocities = conditions.velocities;
      initialConditions.timeScaleFactor = conditions.timeScaleFactor;
      initialConditions.massSlider = conditions.massSlider;
      initialConditions.timeScaleFactorSlider = conditions.timeScaleFactorSlider;
      initialConditions.densities = conditions.densities;
      initialConditions.paleOrbitalPaths = conditions.paleOrbitalPaths;

    return {
      resetStateToInitialConditions: resetStateToInitialConditions,
      updatePosition: updatePosition,
      calculateNewPosition: calculateNewPosition,
      initialConditions: initialConditions,
      state: state,
      calculateDiameters: calculateDiameters,
      largestDistanceMeters: largestDistanceMeters,
      changeInitialConditions: changeInitialConditions,
      constants: constants

  // Draw the scene
  var graphics = (function() {
    var canvas = null, // Canvas DOM element.
      context = null, // Canvas context for drawing.
      canvasHeight = 600,
      // The scaling factor used to draw distances between the objects and their sizes
      // Updated automatically on first draw
      metersPerPixel = 100,
      minimumSizePixels=10, // Minimum size of an object in pixels.
      maximumSizePixels=80, // Maximum size of an object in pixels.
      colors = {
        orbitalPaths: ["#ff8b22","#6c81ff","#4ccd7a"],
        paleOrbitalPaths: ["#ab681c","#4957ae","#359256"]
      // Positions of three bodies in pixels on screen
      bodyPositions = [
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null}
      // Previously drawn positions of the two bodies. Used to draw orbital line.
      previousBodyPositions = [
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null}
      // Contains the DOM elements of the bodies
      bodyElemenets = [],
      // Body sizes in pixels
      currentBodySizes = [
        10, 10, 10
      middleX = 1,
      middleY = 1;

    function drawBody(position, size, bodyElement) {
      var left = (position.x - size/2) + 1000;
      var top = (position.y - size/2) + 1000;
      // Using style.transform instead of style.left, since style.left was
      // noticeably slower on mobile Chrome = "translate(" + left + "px," + top + "px)";

    // Updates the sizes of the objects
    //    sizes: the sizes of objects in meters
    function updateObjectSizes(sizes) {
      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < sizes.length; iBody++) {
        currentBodySizes[iBody] =  sizes[iBody] / metersPerPixel;

        if (currentBodySizes[iBody] < minimumSizePixels) {
          currentBodySizes[iBody] = minimumSizePixels;

        if (currentBodySizes[iBody] > maximumSizePixels) {
          currentBodySizes[iBody] = maximumSizePixels;

        bodyElemenets[iBody].style.width = currentBodySizes[iBody] + "px";

    function drawOrbitalLine(newPosition, previousPosition, color) {
      if (previousPosition.x === null) {
        previousPosition.x = newPosition.x;
        previousPosition.y = newPosition.y;

      context.strokeStyle = color;
      context.moveTo(previousPosition.x, previousPosition.y);
      context.lineTo(newPosition.x, newPosition.y);

      previousPosition.x = newPosition.x;
      previousPosition.y = newPosition.y;

    // Returns the x and y positions a body on screen in pixels.
    //    position: x and y position in meters from the center of the screen.
    function calculatePosition(position) {
      middleX = Math.floor(canvas.width / 2);
      middleY = Math.floor(canvas.height / 2);
      var centerX = position.x / metersPerPixel + middleX;
      var centerY = -position.y / metersPerPixel + middleY;

      return {
        x: centerX,
        y: centerY

    // Calculates the new positions of the bodies on screen
    // from the given state variables
    function calculateNewPositions(statePositions) {
      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < statePositions.length / 4; iBody++) {
        var bodyStart = iBody * 4; // Starting index for current body in the u array

        var x = statePositions[bodyStart + 0];
        var y = statePositions[bodyStart + 1];

        middleX = Math.floor(canvas.width / 2);
        middleY = Math.floor(canvas.height / 2);
        bodyPositions[iBody].x = x / metersPerPixel + middleX;
        bodyPositions[iBody].y = -y / metersPerPixel + middleY;

    function drawBodies() {
      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < bodyPositions.length; iBody++) {
        var bodyPosition = bodyPositions[iBody];
        drawBody(bodyPosition, currentBodySizes[iBody], bodyElemenets[iBody]);

    function drawOrbitalLines(paleOrbitalPaths) {
      // Loop through the bodies
      for (var iBody = 0; iBody < bodyPositions.length; iBody++) {
        var bodyPosition = bodyPositions[iBody];
        var orbitalPathColors = paleOrbitalPaths ? colors.paleOrbitalPaths : colors.orbitalPaths;
        drawOrbitalLine(bodyPosition, previousBodyPositions[iBody], orbitalPathColors[iBody]);

    function showCanvasNotSupportedMessage() {
      document.getElementById("ThreeBodyProblem-notSupportedMessage").style.display ='block';

    // Resize canvas to will the width of container
    function fitToContainer(){

      // Adjust the canvas to the size of the screen
      canvasHeight = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth) - 100;
      document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-container").style.height = canvasHeight + 'px';'100%'; canvasHeight + 'px';
      canvas.width  = canvas.offsetWidth;
      canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight;

    // Returns true on error and false on success
    function initCanvas() {
      // Find the canvas HTML element
      canvas = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-canvas");

      // Check if the browser supports canvas drawing
      if (!(window.requestAnimationFrame && canvas && canvas.getContext)) { return true; }

      // Get canvas context for drawing
      context = canvas.getContext("2d");
      if (!context) { return true; } // Error, browser does not support canvas
      return false;

    // Create canvas for drawing and call success argument
    function init(success) {
      if (initCanvas()) {
        // The browser can not use canvas. Show a warning message.

      // Update the size of the canvas

      var earthElement = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-earth");
      var sunElement = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-sun");
      var jupiterElement = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-jupiter");

      bodyElemenets = [];

      // Execute success callback function

    function clearScene(largestDistanceMeters) {
      context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
      previousBodyPositions = [
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null},
        {x: null, y: null}

      // Update the scaling
      metersPerPixel = 2.3 * largestDistanceMeters / Math.min(canvas.offsetWidth, canvas.offsetHeight, window.innerHeight);

    return {
      fitToContainer: fitToContainer,
      drawOrbitalLines: drawOrbitalLines,
      drawBodies: drawBodies,
      updateObjectSizes: updateObjectSizes,
      clearScene: clearScene,
      calculateNewPositions: calculateNewPositions,
      init: init

  // Start the simulation
  var simulation = (function() {
    // The number of calculations done in one 16 millisecond frame.
    // The higher the number, the more precise are the calculations and the slower the simulation.
    var calculationsPerFrame = 250;

    var framesPerSecond = 60; // Number of frames per second

    // Maximum number of times the orbital lines are drawn per frame.
    // To improve performance, we do not draw after each calculation, since drawing can be slow.
    var drawTimesPerFrame = 10;

    // Used to decide if we need to draw at calculations
    var drawIndex =  Math.ceil(calculationsPerFrame / drawTimesPerFrame);

    // The method is called 60 times per second
    function animate() {
      // The time step in seconds used in simulation
      var timestep = physics.initialConditions.timeScaleFactor / framesPerSecond / calculationsPerFrame;

      for (var i = 0; i < calculationsPerFrame; i++) {

        // Decide if we need to draw orbital lines
        if (i % drawIndex === 0) {

      // Move the modies to new a position. This can be slow, because it
      // updates the position of the DOM elements.
      // Thus, will call it only once per frame.


    function start() {
      graphics.init(function() {

        // Redraw the scene if page is resized
        window.addEventListener('resize', function(event){


    return {
      start: start

  // Helper functions for dealing with CSS
  var cssHelper = (function(){
    function hasClass(element, className) {
      return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className+ ' ') > -1;

    function removeClass(element, className) {
      element.className = element.className
            .replace(new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)'+ className + '(?:\\s|$)'), ' ');

    function addClass(element, className) {
      if (hasClass(element, className)) return;
      element.className += " " + className;

    return {
        hasClass: hasClass,
        removeClass: removeClass,
        addClass: addClass

  // The presets for different simulations
  var simulations = (function(){
    var content = {
      didChangeModel: null // function handler that is called when user changes a model

    var vigure8Position = {x: 0.97000436, y: -0.24308753};
    var vigure8Velocity = {x: -0.93240737, y: -0.86473146};

    function polarFromCartesian(coordinates) {
      var angle;

      if (coordinates.x === 0) {
        angle = 0;
      } else {
        angle = Math.atan2(coordinates.y, coordinates.x);

      return {
        r: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(coordinates.x, 2) + Math.pow(coordinates.y, 2)),
        theta: angle

    // The list of simulations shown to the user.
    // -------------------------
    //    dimensionless: false if masses are given in kilograms, true if masses are close to 1.
    //    masses: Masses of the bodies in kilograms
    //    timeScaleFactor:
    //        The number of seconds advanced by the model in one second of the animation
    //        Used to speed up things, so user does not wait for one year for the model
    //        of the Earth go around the Sun
    //    positions: Positions of the bodies in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
    //    velocities: Velocities of the bodies in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
    //    densities: Optional densities (kg/m^3). This is a way to tweak object's size, since densities are
    //                used for estimating the radius of an object from its mass.
    //                If not supplied, an average Sun's density is used.
    //    paleOrbitalPaths: If true then the orbital path is paler than usual.
    var allPresets = {
      "FigureEight": {
        dimensionless: true,
        masses: [1, 1, 1],
        massSlider: {
          min: 0.1,
          max: 5,
          power: 3
        timeScaleFactor: 1,
        timeScaleFactorSlider: {
          min: 0.00,
          max: 5000,
          power: 5
        positions: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
          polarFromCartesian({x: -vigure8Position.x, y: -vigure8Position.y}),
          polarFromCartesian({x: 0, y: 0})
        velocities: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
          polarFromCartesian({x: -vigure8Velocity.x / 2, y: -vigure8Velocity.y/2}),
          polarFromCartesian({x: -vigure8Velocity.x / 2, y: -vigure8Velocity.y/2}),
      "SunEarthJupiter": {
        masses: [1.98855 * Math.pow(10, 30), 5.972 * Math.pow(10, 24), 1.898 * Math.pow(10, 27)],
        densities: [0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
        massSlider: {
          min: 3 * Math.pow(10, 10),
          max: 3 * Math.pow(10, 31),
          power: 3
        timeScaleFactor: 3600 * 24 * 365,
        timeScaleFactorSlider: {
          min: 0,
          max: 3600 * 24 * 500 * 10000,
          power: 5
        positions: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
            r: 0,
            theta: 0
            r: 1.496 * Math.pow(10, 11),
            theta: 0
            r: 7.78 * Math.pow(10, 11),
            theta: 0
        velocities: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
            r: 0,
            theta: Math.PI/2
            r: 30 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/2
            r: 13.1 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/2
      "LagrangePoint5": {
        masses: [1.98855 * Math.pow(10, 30), 5.972 * Math.pow(10, 24), 1.898 * Math.pow(10, 28)],
        densities: [0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001],
        paleOrbitalPaths: true,
        massSlider: {
          min: 3 * Math.pow(10, 10),
          max: 3 * Math.pow(10, 31),
          power: 5
        timeScaleFactor: 3600 * 24 * 1000,
        timeScaleFactorSlider: {
          min: 0,
          max: 3600 * 24 * 500 * 10000,
          power: 5
        positions: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
            r: 0,
            theta: 0
            r: 7.5 * Math.pow(10, 11),
            theta: -Math.PI/3 - Math.PI/10
            r: 7.78 * Math.pow(10, 11),
            theta: 0
        velocities: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
            r: 0,
            theta: Math.PI/2
            r: 13.3 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/6 - Math.PI/10
            r: 13.1 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/2
      "Kepler16": {
        masses: [0.6897 * 1.98855 * Math.pow(10, 30), 0.20255 * 1.98855 * Math.pow(10, 30), 0.3333 * 1.898 * Math.pow(10, 27)],
        massSlider: {
          min: 3 * Math.pow(10, 10),
          max: 3 * Math.pow(10, 31),
          power: 5
        timeScaleFactor: 3600 * 24 * 41,
        timeScaleFactorSlider: {
          min: 0,
          max: 3600 * 24 * 500 * 100,
          power: 5
        positions: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
            r: (0.20255 * 0.22431 * 1.496 * Math.pow(10, 11)) / (0.6897 + 0.20255 ),
            theta: 0
            r: (0.6897 * 0.22431 * 1.496 * Math.pow(10, 11)) / (0.6897 + 0.20255 ),
            theta: Math.PI
            r: 0.7048 * 1.496 * Math.pow(10, 11),
            theta: 0
        velocities: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
            r: 13 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/2
            r: 44 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: 3*Math.PI/2
            r: 33 * Math.pow(10, 3),
            theta: Math.PI/2
      "Chaotic": {
        dimensionless: true,
        masses: [1, 1, 1],
        massSlider: {
          min: 0.1,
          max: 10,
          power: 3
        timeScaleFactor: 3.9335,
        timeScaleFactorSlider: {
          min: 0.00,
          max: 100,
          power: 3
        positions: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in meters
            r: 1,
            theta: 0
            r: 1,
            theta: 2*Math.PI/3
            r: 1,
            theta: 4*Math.PI/3
        velocities: [ // in Polar coordinates, r is in m/s
            r: .55,
            theta: Math.PI/2
            r: .55,
            theta: 2*Math.PI/3 + Math.PI/2
            r: .55,
            theta: 4*Math.PI/3 + Math.PI/2

    function didClickElement(element) {
      if (!cssHelper.hasClass(element, "ThreeBodyProblem-preset")) {

      var name = element.getAttribute("data-name");
      var preset = allPresets[name];

      if (content.didChangeModel !== null) {

      // Mark the current element as selected
      // -----------

      var presetElements = document.querySelectorAll(".ThreeBodyProblem-preset");

      // Loop through the presets
      for (var iPreset = 0; iPreset < presetElements.length; iPreset++) {
        var presetElement = presetElements[iPreset];
        cssHelper.removeClass(presetElement, 'ThreeBodyProblem-button--isSelected');
      cssHelper.addClass(element, "ThreeBodyProblem-button--isSelected");

    function didClick(e) {
      if (!e) { e = window.event; }

    function init() {
      var presetElements = document.querySelectorAll(".ThreeBodyProblem-preset");

      // Loop through the presets
      for (var iPreset = 0; iPreset < presetElements.length; iPreset++) {
        var presetElement = presetElements[iPreset];
        presetElement.onclick = didClick;

      return allPresets.FigureEight;

    return {
      init: init,
      content: content

  // A slider maps an input to output values, both between 0 and 1 using an odd power function.
  // The function is constructed such that is not very sensitive at the default output value
  // (for example, the starting value for the mass of an object)
  // but rapidly changes as when the slider is moved far away form it.
  var oddPowerCurve = (function(){
    function calcualteL(defaultOutput, power) {
      if (power === 0) return 1;
      return -Math.pow(defaultOutput, 1 / power);

    function calcualteA(defaultOutput, power) {
      if (power === 0) return 1;
      return Math.pow(1 - defaultOutput, 1 / power) - calcualteL(defaultOutput, power);

    // Return the slider input value based on the output and default output values
    function sliderInputValue(defaultOutput, output, power) {
      if (power === 0) return 1;
      var a = calcualteA(defaultOutput, power);
      if (a === 0) { a = 1; }
      var l = calcualteL(defaultOutput, power);
      var sign = (output - defaultOutput) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
      return (sign * Math.pow(Math.abs(output - defaultOutput), 1 / power) - l) / a;

    // Return the slider output value based on the input and default output values
    function sliderOutputValue(defaultOutput, intput, power) {
      if (power === 0) return 1;
      var a = calcualteA(defaultOutput, power);
      var l = calcualteL(defaultOutput, power);

      var result = Math.pow(a * intput + l, power) + defaultOutput;
      if (result < 0) { result = 0; }
      return result;

    return {
        sliderInputValue: sliderInputValue,
        sliderOutputValue: sliderOutputValue

  // React to user input
  var userInput = (function(){
    var sliderLabelElement = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-sliderLabel");
    var restartButton = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-reload");
    var mass1Button = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-mass1Button");
    var mass2Button = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-mass2Button");
    var mass3Button = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-mass3Button");
    var speedButton = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-speedButton");
    var sliderElement = document.querySelector(".ThreeBodyProblem-slider");
    var slider;
    var currentSlider = "mass";
    var currentMassSliderIndex = 0;
    var currentModel; // Currently selected model

    // Returns the output value of the slider between 0 to 1 corresponding to the
    // default value of the variable (such as default mass for an object)
    function calculateDefaultSliderOutput(sliderSettings) {
      var defaultValue = getCurrentSimulationValue(currentModel);
      return (defaultValue - sliderSettings.min) / (sliderSettings.max - sliderSettings.min);

    function didUpdateSlider(sliderValue) {
      var sliderText;
      var sliderSettings = getCurrentSliderSettings();

      if (sliderSettings.power !== undefined) {

        if (sliderSettings.power % 2 === 1) { // Odd power
          var defaultOutput = calculateDefaultSliderOutput(sliderSettings);
          sliderValue = oddPowerCurve.sliderOutputValue(defaultOutput, sliderValue, sliderSettings.power);
        } else {
          sliderValue = Math.pow(sliderValue, sliderSettings.power);

      var newValue = sliderSettings.min + (sliderSettings.max - sliderSettings.min) * sliderValue;
      newValue = roundSliderValue(newValue);

      if (currentSlider === "mass") {
        physics.initialConditions.masses[currentMassSliderIndex] = newValue;
        sliderText = formatMassForSlider(newValue);
      } else {
        physics.initialConditions.timeScaleFactor = newValue;
        sliderText = formatTimescaleForSlider(newValue);

      sliderLabelElement.innerText = sliderText;

    function getCurrentSliderSettings() {
      var sliderSettings;

      if (currentSlider === "mass") {
        sliderSettings = physics.initialConditions.massSlider;
      } else {
        sliderSettings = physics.initialConditions.timeScaleFactorSlider;

      return sliderSettings;

    function roundSliderValue(value) {
      return Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000;

    function roundSliderValueText(value) {
      return parseFloat(Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000).toFixed(4);

    function bodyNameFromIndex(index) {
      switch(index) {
        case 0:
            return "the Sun";
        case 1:
            return "the Earth";
            return "Jupiter";

    function formatMassForSlider(mass) {
      var formatted = roundSliderValueText(mass);

      if (mass > 10000) {
        formatted = mass.toExponential(4);

      formatted = "Mass of " + bodyNameFromIndex(currentMassSliderIndex) + " : " + formatted;

      if (physics.initialConditions.dimensionless !== true) {
        formatted += " kg";

      return formatted;

    function formatTimescaleForSlider(value) {
      var timeHumanized = timeHumanReadable(value);
      var formatted = roundSliderValueText(timeHumanized.value);

      if (timeHumanized.value > 10000) {
        formatted = timeHumanized.value.toExponential(4);

      formatted = "Simulation speed: " + formatted + " " + timeHumanized.unit + " per second";

      return formatted;

    function timeHumanReadable(time) {
      var result = {
        unit: 'second',
        value: time

      if (result.value < 60) {
        return result;

      result.value /= 60;
      result.unit = 'minute';

      if (result.value < 60) {
        return result;

      result.value /= 60;
      result.unit = 'hour';

      if (result.value < 24) {
        return result;

      result.value /= 24;
      result.unit = 'day';

      if (result.value < 365) {
        return result;

      result.value /= 365;
      result.unit = 'year';

      if (result.value < 100) {
        return result;

      result.value /= 100;
      result.unit = 'century';

      return result;

    function didClickRestart() {
      return false; // Prevent default

    function getCurrentSimulationValue(model) {
      var simulationValue;
      if (currentSlider === "mass") {
        simulationValue = model.masses[currentMassSliderIndex];
      } else {
        simulationValue = model.timeScaleFactor;
      return simulationValue;

    function resetSlider() {
      cssHelper.removeClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderSun");
      cssHelper.removeClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderEarth");
      cssHelper.removeClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderJupiter");

      var sliderSettings = getCurrentSliderSettings();
      var simulationValue = getCurrentSimulationValue(physics.initialConditions);
      var sliderText;

      if (currentSlider === "mass") {
        sliderText = formatMassForSlider(physics.initialConditions.masses[currentMassSliderIndex]);

        switch(currentMassSliderIndex) {
            case 0:
                cssHelper.addClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderSun");
            case 1:
                cssHelper.addClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderEarth");
                cssHelper.addClass(sliderElement, "ThreeBodyProblem-sliderJupiter");
      } else {
        sliderText = formatTimescaleForSlider(physics.initialConditions.timeScaleFactor);

      sliderLabelElement.innerText = sliderText;
      var sliderPosition = (simulationValue - sliderSettings.min) / (sliderSettings.max - sliderSettings.min);

      if (sliderSettings.power !== undefined) {
        if (sliderSettings.power % 2 === 1) { // Odd power
          var defaultOutput = calculateDefaultSliderOutput(sliderSettings);
          sliderPosition = oddPowerCurve.sliderInputValue(defaultOutput, sliderPosition, sliderSettings.power);
        } else {
          sliderPosition = Math.pow(sliderPosition, 1 / sliderSettings.power);


    function didChangeModel(model) {
      currentModel = model;

    function didClickMass1() {
      currentSlider = "mass";
      currentMassSliderIndex = 0;
      return false; // Prevent default

    function didClickMass2() {
      currentSlider = "mass";
      currentMassSliderIndex = 1;
      return false; // Prevent default

    function didClickMass3() {
      currentSlider = "mass";
      currentMassSliderIndex = 2;
      return false; // Prevent default

    function didClickSpeed() {
      currentSlider = "speed";
      currentMassSliderIndex = 0;
      return false; // Prevent default

    function init() {
      currentModel = simulations.init();
      simulations.content.didChangeModel = didChangeModel;

      // Slider
      slider = SickSlider(".ThreeBodyProblem-slider");
      slider.onSliderChange = didUpdateSlider;

      // Buttons
      restartButton.onclick = didClickRestart;
      mass1Button.onclick = didClickMass1;
      mass2Button.onclick = didClickMass2;
      mass3Button.onclick = didClickMass3;
      speedButton.onclick = didClickSpeed;

    return {
      init: init



